12 Session Coaching Bundle | Goal-Oriented Support

12 Session Coaching Bundle | Goal-Oriented Support


Ready to implement a new project and see your passion lived into reality?

Over the course of 12 sessions (6 Coaching Calls + 6 Working Calls) you’ll receive the guidance + support you need to gain clarity around your vision, release stuck energy, clear mental blocks, and move forward with integrity in alignment with your passions, needs & desires.

Payment Plans Available!

If you are interested in our interest free payment plans, send us an email at victoria@slcsacredspace.com

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These 12 sessions are a great way to ensure mind/body balance, even in the midst of a deep work-flow state. Accomplishing our goals is important, but anything completed out of alignment of our highest truth will yield misaligned results. Together, we’ll invite an easeful, playful, heart-centered orientation to achieving even the most daunting tasks.

Ready to play?


  • Vision-assessment: learn to express yourself authentically & put meaningful language to your experience, passion and desires

  • Goal Setting: gain clarity around what you need + desire to live a fulfilled, balanced life + see your vision embodied here & now.

  • Daily Practice: equip yourself with tools that help you to stay in alignment with your highest calling and live your passion daily


Over the course of 12 sessions we’ll work together to live your vision into reality. Here’s how it works:

coaching calls

  • Mindfulness: drop-in, be here now

  • Check-in: what’s new? What’s good? What feels imbalanced?

  • Inner work: address those ‘stuck’ areas, invite clarity + discernment

  • Practice: embody truth, live in alignment & move closer to your lived passion

  • Gratitude: celebrate you!

working calls

  • Mindfulness: drop-in, be here now

  • Check-in: what’s new? What’s good? What can we accomplish today?

  • Task-oriented support: 45min dedicated to helping you zero in on deadlines, tick boxes off your list & declutter your to-do’s

  • Practice: invoke creative, spontaneous, joyful energy to achieve the day’s task(s)

  • Gratitude: celebrate you!

Creative Practices

Our working sessions will include (but are not limited to!) the following creative modalities:

  • out-side-of-box thinking (because we’ll be working from the heart AND the head)

  • creative strategizing

  • rapid Ideation

  • starbursting

  • creative self-expression

  • play

  • easeful project management

  • schedule alignment


Our coaching sessions will include (but are not limited to!) the following healing modalities:

  • yoga

  • contemplative postures (prayer, meditation, presence, intention)

  • pranayama (breath work)

  • intuitive eating

  • mirror work

  • affirmations

  • creative self-expression

  • journaling

  • shadow work

In both my professional and personal practice, I have found these simple yet profound healing modalities to have long term impact on a client’s state of mind, emotional well being, physical health and spiritual/psychological development.


  • Twelve 1:1 sessions (75min in person or remote)

  • Weekly check-ins

  • Journal prompts + processing tools

  • Intro to Creative Living | leading from the heart

  • Personalized guided meditations tailored to your present experience

  • Discount code to future offerings, including workshops + retreats