on the blog
This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
Some momentary awareness comes
As an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,
Who violently sweep your house
Empty of its furniture,
Still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
For some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice.
Meet them at the door laughing and invite them in.
Be grateful for whatever comes.
Because each has been sent
As a guide from beyond. | Rumi
That is the word my partner and I use to find resonance with each other when one of us is experiencing a trigger or overwhelming emotion that feels difficult to process.
Acknowledging the pain experienced by the other brings us into a state of compassion through heart resonance and pure presence.
Acknowledging it’s not our responsibility to fix or rescue the other from the current experience, we are free to fully witness and embrace the pain of the other.
I see you. I feel you. I love you. I am with you.
Resting in presence with the suffering of our world & our loved ones requires that we make a home in the presence of our own suffering.
As Rumi writes, we must learn to embrace every emotion, every guest, as a teacher, friend and weary traveler. we must learn to love and accept the parts of ourselves that scream ouch in the dead of night. In the face of overwhelming uncertainty, loss, exhaustion, fear and grief.
I see you. I feel you. I love you. I am with you.
Let’s celebrate interconnection and practice this loving embrace together.
Come & find rest in the pure presence of tender-hearted sisters. Be held and embraced as we share in guided meditation, breath work & conversation.
Before there is story there is simply sensation.
As humans, we are meaning-making creatures. One way we make meaning of our lives is through Story. Sometimes, however, our narratives become too small, too restrictive. These small narratives limit our ability to see what is real and hinder our ability to navigate life with a sense of ease.
Our human tendency to over-identify with the stories we tell often leaves us trapped in habituated reactions to life. Let's say we have a familiar experience and automatically categorize and label it according to our previous experiences and narratives. To a degree, this is good and healthy. It is a survival mechanism that has worked for millennia. However, when our habituated patterns and restrictive narratives get in the way of our own growth and equanimity in life, it is necessary for us to re-evaluate our stories.
In life we are offered plenty of opportunity to disrupt our patterns. These come in the form of unexpected circumstances, trauma, loss, unmet expectations, discomfort and all manner of left-turns.
These disturbances often arise in the body first as sensation. A tightness in our stomach, a lump in our throat, constriction around our breathing--a sign that something has arisen, and is asking for our attention.
Our tendency as humans is, of course, to begin to make meaning of these sensations. We run on auto-pilot, categorizing certain sensations in our mind as comfortable, pleasurable, familiar, safe, welcomed and others as uncomfortable, dissatisfying, or not-welcomed. All of a sudden being human becomes conceptualized, filtered and lived-out purely in our minds.
The path of feminine wisdom is to move from the mind down
into the heart, which resides in the body.
We often shy away from sensations labeled as uncomfortable. But the power of the feminine is the ability to be with what is, in any form. Cultivating our staying power with practices like meditation, breath-work, yoga and contemplative prayer helps us broaden our capacity to be with what is.
From this place of total surrender and acceptance to what is, we can see more clearly what is before us. And from this clear-seeing, we are better able to discern what is most necessary and good. From this place of discernment--inner-knowing or intuition--we navigate the circumstances of life with more ease, more freedom and more stability.
Let’s commit to turning our focus inward and practice being with sensation.
Free of story, free of judgement, free of attachment.
Embodiment: a tangible or physical form of an idea, quality or feeling
Embodied Wisdom: a tangible or physical form of wisdom, divinity made manifest, God immanent, God incarnate
Embodied Feminine Wisdom: a tangible or physical form of grace, ease, joy, compassion, surrender, pleasure & abundance in. all. things.