6 Session Coaching Bundle | Embodied Awareness

6 Session Coaching Bundle | Embodied Awareness


Hey Babe!

I’m thrilled you’re interested in working together. It is my greatest passion to empower and inspire you as you embody health and wholeness with gentleness and authenticity.

Together, we’ll discover the unique and intuitive healing modalities that work for you.

Over the course of 6 sessions, you’ll receive the guidance + support you need to gain clarity around your True Self and honor your needs and deepest desires with love, integrity and compassion.

Payment Plans Available!

If you are interested in our interest free payment plans, send us an email at victoria@slcsacredspace.com

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Every journey is different

I know firsthand that the healing journey is never linear. Often what worked for us in a previous season of life no longer resonates or fits our current needs and desires. This is why in our Embodied Awareness coaching program we take an intuitive approach to healing, transformation and integration.

What we’ll focus on

  • Self-assessment: uncover what health & wholeness mean for you through heart-centered awareness

  • Goal Setting: gain clarity around what you need + desire to live a balanced, revitalized life

  • Daily Practice: equip yourself with tools that help you to stay in alignment with your body’s needs

Session Breakdown

  • Mindfulness: drop-in, be here now

  • Check-in: what’s new? What’s good? What feels imbalanced?

  • Inner work: address those ‘stuck’ areas, invite clarity + discernment

  • Practice: embody truth, live in alignment & move closer to your goals of health + wholeness

  • Gratitude: celebrate you!

Healing Practices

Our sessions will include (but are not limited to!) the following healing modalities:

  • yoga

  • contemplative postures (prayer, meditation, presence, intention)

  • pranayama (breath work)

  • intuitive eating

  • mirror work

  • affirmations

  • creative self-expression

  • journaling

  • shadow work

In both my professional and personal practice, I have found these simple yet profound healing modalities to have long term impact on a client’s state of mind, emotional well being, physical health and spiritual/psychological development.

Get Access

  • Six 1:1 sessions (75min in person or remote)

  • Weekly check-ins

  • Journal prompts + processing tools

  • Intro to Ayurveda

  • Private yoga sessions

  • Personalized menu + nutrition coaching

  • Discount code to future offerings, including workshops + retreats