contemplative activism

contemplation 1
The world is in desperate need of healing and to the degree that we are healed, the world will be healed.
— Phileena Heuertz

The contemplative life serves as an invitation to know our intrinsic divinity as beings made in the image and likeness of God. Contemplative postures of silence, solitude and stillness help us to silence societal static, rid ourselves of burdensome external expectations and still our beings long enough to hear the voice of the Beloved.

In these disheartening times an accurate understanding of our identities and inherent values is necessary if we are to make lasting redemptive impact in a hurting world. 

Contemplative practices offer us the space necessary to undergo internal transformation that will reflect in our external lives and work, as we step into a presence-of-being that allows the illusions that wreak havoc on the world to be dismantled.

Contemplative practices of silence, solitude and stillness reinforce a posture of regular abandonment and surrender to the Divine—in our exterior as well as interior life. Surrendering to the immanent presence of God around and within us allows for greater transformation on a personal, communal and global scale.

Contemplative activism makes way for:
• Freedom for everyone instead of power and control of the few
• Cooperation instead of selfish grasps for security and survival
• Divine Love instead of lustful cravings of ego

Contemplative activism makes us supple in the hands of God. By way of the Spirit's ongoing, transformative work in us, we are able to love and serve more freely, purely and unconditionally.