
yoga in the workplace


Yoga is a time-tested practice that cultivates boundless levels of energetic, mental and physical fitness. At SHARED, we believe corporate employees deserve the opportunity to reduce stress and tension while becoming more mentally + spiritually integrated. We do our best to inspire and improve your team to function at its highest quality.

It’s a busy world we live in today, with increasing demands on employers and employees alike. We work long hours, often hunched over a computer. We skip meals, keep a phone glued to our ear, and rarely leave our workspace for a break. Before long, these work habits begin to take their toll on our bodies and minds in the form of stress, tension and sickness.

How do we deprogram what culture has taught us to feel about the workplace? When we talk about work life, it's almost a given that work is viewed as a burden and an obstacle to joy. Yet, according to the great wisdom teachers of our time, our work, otherwise referred to as our passionate engagement, is our ultimate expression in this life and how we cultivate connection, belonging & place within our community. 

Yoga not only serves to remove stress and tension from the body, but it also helps to integrate mind + heart awareness that leads to better collaboration, creative problem solving and confidence in the workplace. Yoga helps us integrate our heart’s passion with the world’s needs through an innovative, dynamic and generative way of being.

It's truly a win-win.

workplace yoga benefits

  • Employees that are happy and full of energy, and as a result, more productive

  • Decline in stress-related sick occurrences

  • Improved concentration, decision-making skills and ability to multi-task

  • Improves employee alertness and ability to react more calmly in demanding situations

  • Relief of head, neck and back strain, carpal tunnel syndrome, insomnia, high blood pressure and work-related injuries from repetitive motion

  • Better customer service

  • Enhanced employee attitude and outlook

  • General well-being in the workplace which reduces employee turnover

integrate. inspire. improve.

It’s as simple as that. When our mind, body and spirit are in harmony, we are better able to face challenges and give our best to whatever endeavor we undertake.

how do we get started?

SHARED workplace yoga can customize a class to best fit the needs of your company and employees. We provide qualified, tested methods of mindfulness, meditation and yoga. You provide a classroom space (common spaces include gyms, conference rooms, larger offices, rooftops) and we’ll take care of the rest.


When the heart and mind are at ease, we can thrive in our work as distractions diminish and our focus is free to rest on the task at hand.
— Victoria Rosales