on contemplation + creativity

We all have a longing to make meaning of our lives—to create something that expresses our own deep longing and vision. The monk within is our inner longing for contemplative presence and spaciousness, the hunger we each have to discover the holy in each moment. The artist within is our inner desire for creative expression, to give form to our deeply felt experience, and to make things of beauty.
— Christine Valters Paintner



Creativity + the Cosmos

Discover your unique impression in the vast expanse of the cosmos. Make  your mark in this world in a bold, powerful way.


Creativity + Becoming

We are always becoming, ever unfolding. Discover how the creative process guides us in our becoming.


Re-scripting your Story

Integrate community teachings with a repurposed retelling of your True North Story.



email victoria@slcsacredspace.com

to inquire about hosting/participating in SHARED’s creativity workshops